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STCC Students at Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL)

Continuous learning is the process of acquiring new skills and knowledge in an on-going basis. This can come in many forms from taking formal course in classroom settings to taking casual social learning. It also involves self-initiative and embracing challenges in life.

Our recent visit to Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, Abeokuta has become a repository of Students to carry out academic research on governance, politics, leadership, human security and other aspects of life.

The OOPL Complex is a combination of so many things, it was established in 2015, the project was conserved as a Centre designed to preserve the past, capture the present, inspire the future and promote tourism. It encompasses the library, museum and other tourist attractions such as zoological gardens the Adire and African fabric Centre as well as several advocacy Centre. Remodeled after the United State Presidential Library system, the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library is primarily a historic, touristic recreational and academic Centre regarded as a national archives and place for the preservation of genuine presidential papers, documents, materials and other historic items associated with the office of Former President Obasanjo.

During our tour in the complex, we were taken through the building that accommodates some presidential artefacts such as Obasanjo's first car, a well-kept Volkswagen Beetle, Official Jeep, Helicopter and a miniature warship. Walking through the building, keke Ota is sure to strike a first-time visitor with nostalgia. The bicycle is a replica of what Obasanjo used to navigate his Ota farm when he left government in 1979 while he used the Volkswagen Beetle to travel round the country during the war periods.

The Library is seen as a collection of source of information and similar resource made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It also provides physical and digital access to materials. Another important section in the wing is devoted to the Nigerian child. It is an interactive section and children are allowed to take pictures of their career dream. These pictures are transferred to a screen where they are processed, the aim of the section and the pictures according to the tour guards is for the children to be inspired to attain their dreams. Children can re-enact important moments on set replicating the Obasanjo Aso Rock Villa. Exhibits centered on the life of Stella Obasanjo and learn about her sense of dressing.

The library was stocked with books and educational material from all over the world to aid proper research. Through story- telling, children are exposed to a wide range of words. This helps them build their own vocabulary and improve their understanding when they listen, which is vital as they start to read. It is important for them to understand how stories work too.

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